Thursday, September 20, 2007

Out of Pictures..........

Haih......Friday coming right up but I'm out of pictures or topic to life has been constantly dull gathering, no outing and from the look of it, I was pretty much lame these several weeks. Maybe been too busy working lately (Need to pay credit cards lehhhh.........) Maybe it has been a while since I am back to Ipoh (No need to work meh?).........or Maybe didn't have a family gathering for a while (Everyone is busy)........didn't take pictures with MengWai for almost 2 months......but anyway, in my quest to be in 'Fortune' someday I'll need to give a little bit in order to gain something more.......

* How to pronounce that name???? EE EL SON? EEEEEEEEL SON? pathetic fool!!!

* I might not be smart....but I am pretty damn sure I am not colour blind.......BLACK CHICKEN???

Going back Ipoh tomorrow night....yeaaaaaa.......enjoy your break people.....
***I'll be back with more pictures and cocktales to share***


lilo said...

wah that fella's name can setanding mine leh, so many E's :)

BOGUS said...

hahaha u also kalah 2 jalan liao.....