Thursday, October 11, 2007

Angkasawan aka Angkasa1

At last, the day 'most' Malaysian has been waiting for. Our very first space tourist opss...I meant our very first astronaut.....I can't really understand the actual purpose of this trip and I could never think of one neither. But anyhow, I would like to wish that guy all the best......

* This was our be more precise, Rented Rocket.....

* BLAST OFF!!!!!!!

* High and dry......the exact term for all the taxes I've paid.......

* See the dude on the left, a future Dato' upon his return.....don't believe? Wanna bet?

* The white guy on the right was saying something about hatch, shuttle, orbit etc......I don't think the one who asked could understand shit to what he was trying to say.

* Those 2 dudes on the right were the one asking questions.....well done guys. Finally we have an astronaut to call our own but please try not to waste anymore of my taxes on similar launching anymore ok?

Malaysia Boleh!!!! Proud to be a Malaysian...........

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