Sunday, April 20, 2008


Just got back from a short trip to Thailand....since I'm currently living so near to the border then by all means go and check out how the Thais lead their life.....As said earlier, my Virgin-Trip to Thailand.....the so-called Amsterdam of the east (you get I mean....hahaha) Too bad, quality control....some to the extend of ........YUKZZZZ......but you'll get to listen to Malaysian tourists (in group of guys) sharing their post mortem of their catch the night before.....

From my personal observation, men around the age of 30-50 with an extremely FUGLY appearance love going there....Since, they're the Hunchback of Notre Dame back home, they became an instant hit like Tom Cruise in a land called Thailand......enough said....back to the trip.

* It was only slightly more than an hour drive from my place.....the total of 5 hours journey before reaching the destination was contributed by the inefficiencies of immigation officers from the other side......

* Accomodation was nice....too bad PW doesn't want my suggestion with the one above.....cheaper ma....ishhh....

* All the disorganized electricity poles kinda reminded me of Jakarta.......but I believe the Thais have to agree on one thing the most.....

* They love their FAST FOOD......

* Saw this on Discovery......HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Sweet, moist and high in cholesterol

* Charred

* And a hell lot more..........

* Eat at your own risk!!!....but Bobby Chin said the Thais are very clean in preparing their far so problem at all in communication with the Thais...just add "KAP" or "MAI" at the beginning and the end of your sentence (any languages) and they'll understand the KAP out of you...see simple right MAI???

* Overall.....hhhmmm....ok lah.....can go once in a while.....but not too often....KNNCCB....Monday Blues again....ishhhh....Enjoy your Monday peps....

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