Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Perakian's Thought.......

A lil update on how I feel about the political struggle in my homeland.......

1. PM said enough is enough, the Law must be in one is above the law. (Do you think I'm that naive to ignore who broke the law at the first place? hehehe)

2. The last I read about history was about 3 independent component in the country. One shall not interfere with the other. (F*ck history.....say hello to flexible constitution aka 'Demokrasi Terpimpin')

3. Home minister said that the democracy must be observed........(It keeps me wondering about the criteria needed for this particular post.....first of all, you MUST not be very smart)

4. The Jelapang Whore is now happy again....been given a post, no more complaint....(with her kid selling handphones in YikFoong, a loser husband who carries her handband whenever she goes and the education background that could not differentiate 'constitution' to 'constipation', I could understand her move....Can't you?)

5. And the BIGGEST joke of all........She said she was sexually harrassed......even logged a police report......(hahahaha who are you trying to fool??? Malaysian men really so tasteless meh??? hahahahaha Now I know why I read about a man caught making love to a goat.....with face like that acting like Angelina Jolie I'd rather fark a goat too.....hahahahaha)

* Fugly is new new black...........

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