Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CNY Back Home.....

It had been a emotional week.....CNY celebration in a whole.......and the departure of my uncle....he was my favourite......He had had a......I should say great journey. In the end, he chose his path......Rest in Peace Uncle King.....

Well I guess life goes on.....a lil recap on the happennings back in Ipoh during cheer up people........

* JD bonding with TiTi.......

* Family dinner........enjoying Mama's new recipe....

* I was busy preparing for the Lion Dance..........yuppieeee....check out the 8 feet fire cracker I bought...ngek ngek ngek....

* TA DAAAAAA...........

* Everyone seems to enjoy it..........

* JD touches the Lion Dance for the very first time........

* Another meal with the family..............steamboat this time.......

* Candid moment every CNY..........the 4 kids.......

* awwwww.......I have something like this with JieJie..taken over 2 decades ago.....MeiMei is the closest to an elder sister that JD is going to have.......
* My own family pic back home.......

* Candid moment....MW can't sit tight....JD looking at Papa....KitKit looking at MW.....TiTi looking at JieJie.....MeiMei looking at JD.....hahahahaha...can't they be a lil bit more professional just like me??

* ahhhhhh that's more I like it.......but still MW ohhh MW.........enjoy the coming weekend people....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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