Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Call the AMBULANCE!!!!!!

hhhmm....a sense of uncertainty on how to break this post.....since I have nothing much going on with my life, I might as well share it out. I was actually trying to open a bag of parsley with a knife the other day and suddenly I felt a sharp pain coming from my index finger......... ARRRRRGGGGG... MEDIC!!!! MEDIC!!!!!! (just exaggerating, I didn't yell like a pussy over a minor cut)

As expected, the only non-qualified Medic available at that moment was PW and the only first aid kit I have was a 10cent plaster....with no medical supply or qualified paramedics around... I managed the situation like a pro and get back to the cooking I stopped half way.....

* I think I need an ambulance.....CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!!

* A perfect dressing........

* Since there was no morphine in the house, I resorted to the only pain killer available......BEER.....Don't get me wrong....I really did quit drinking.....the beer was for the pain....not for me.....

Writing this post kept wonder on how lame am I currently......I think I need a hobby or something to colour my life.....or should I just keep my pie-hole shut and carry on with it.....I'll think about it...........Funky Guy in a Pariah World.....


Allan said...

Since no one leave comment, Allan will make the sacrifice..

Wahlau, Wayne why you getting lame and LAMER....Not the Wayne I know of.

Its a funny world with a pariah guy .....

BOGUS said...

mahai....no choice la...everyday work work work...become like that la

Christina Kim said...

Get well soon! :)
And the Wayne I know, definitely do not cry over a small cut! :D

BOGUS said...

hahaha thanks christy....no problem....no pain no gain...even if i didnt gain anything from the silly cut....hahahaha