Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mama's Day!!!!!

Happy Mama's Day to my beloved Mama.......she might be nag-gy, reluctant to put salt in her cooking, a clean freak, vomits alot while travelling either by car or by train or by ship or by plane but at the end of the day I still love her.......a word of advice, never ever tell her that her cooking is great unless you have the intention to eat the very same dish for the coming weeks or even months!!!!

* My Mama and I......

* She has her fair share of giving me nicknames...'Silly Boy', 'Curly Boy' (I didn't ask for the curly hair), 'WeiWei' (my baby name, even JieJie does that)...hey Mama, I'm a man now...can't do that in public no more......Happy Mother's Day@@@@@


sitynuress said...

i guess the whole clan calls you wei wei la wei!!
ehheheh :P

BOGUS said...

hahaha yea yea.....JieJie even shout for me in public...hahaha...hilang all the macho man image...