This was the only day where my family and I spent our Chinese New Year back home in Ipoh......Only selected and lucky individuals can meet up with us during this period of time for the time we had was limited....hahahaha just kidding.......Papa hired a lion dance troop to the house for hhmm......erg...... the prosperity and harmony in the house I assumed. Really did enjoy that. Papa planned for a longer dance routine next year.
*Only Papa and Mama managed to wake up early and prepare for the lion dance's arrival....the rest of us got up just in time.....observe the pyjamas Jiejie and Mengwai were wearing.
After lion dance, back to daily chores at home.....sleep...ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz. We had our reunion dinner at a nearby restaurant. No smoking, No drinking and no it was basically DINNER.
Me: Hey Ma, 7 months can eat fish ar?Mama: Can...let me show you.*Mengwai being fed by Mama.Fireworks are banned nationwide. Penalty in a form of cash summons will be imposed for those found lighting them. Speaking on playing or lighting up fireworks, I'm not that dumb to be lighting them. All I did was admiring them....hahaha guess who was the one lighting it?
*Ladies and gentlemen....I present to you....THE BRAVE ONE........
*Kitkit: Must choose a nice spot away from when the authorities come-by, just tell them the neighbours lit it....hehehehe (sinister smile)
Fireworks: BOOOMMMmmm...............All of us : WAhhhh~~~~~~~And that was the end of Day 4. Coming up....Day 5 - A trip to Melacca.