Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A lil bit of Everything.......

I have not been particularly busy....somehow I just can't find the time to blog...I believe spending time with the kids will help to build their characters.....therefore I did......so, let me do a quick run through on the happenings lately........

1. My House.....

* At last after 6 months....every documentations have been filed and done......I'm officially a landlord......Don't get me wrong...I would've loved to move there but I just don't think now is the right time to proceed with the renovation project.......I don't have that kinda money anyway.......

2. False Alarm

* And we thought we're expecting yet another baby......mind me as the last 2 tests came out positive.........JD will be 2 this month....JS hardly 4 months old......our first negative sign with the pregnancy kit.....not all bad after all....hehehehe

3. My Bike.....

* Since Dean commented on the similarities between the current and the old gears....let me clarify.........

* The helmet and gloves are different.....the bike is obviously different....shoes are different too.....not to mention I've got knee pad with this new bike.......well the only similarities are the shirt and jeans.....bikes are of the same category just different manufacturer....still Italian yo....hehehe

4. My Golf.....

* I've been pretty indulged in golf lately.......a game more I think PW is going to explode....hehehe however, practice makes perfect...my game has indeed improved........

5. Family........

* I know I know......St. Anne's was a month too long........but I just can't blog solely on this short trip right???? hehehe have to get a slot to fill.......

* To my cousins whom are waiting for this picture......Thou shall be awarded if you check out my blog....hahaha

6. Food.......

* Went to Balik Pulau last weekend for my favourite CharKoeyTeow.......BEST IN THE WORLD......I kid you not....this plate of awesome-ness would blow the Sister's CharKoeyTeow to Holland.....seriously.......

7. My Kids.......

* At last I bought JD his first golf set....can't get him the real stuff because those clubs are longer than him.....got him the plastic one first....check out the swing yo.....hehehe but I'm determined to enroll him in tennis class....hahaha......that wraps up my post......have a good week ahead people........hehehe I know I would......