Monday, February 27, 2012

My Simple CNY Celebration......

This year was a lil bit different from the years before.....I celebrated CNY in Ipoh.......Mama insisted that we come back this year......As usual, we just chilled at home due to the traffic condition in'd be suprised with the numbers of Ipoh folks working outstating.....they came back in full-force during this period......
Brilliant me, I've foreseen this years before thus avoided all the crazy jams every single year....Penang ain't too bad after all......
* JS loved to be in Ipoh......he could have more space to walkabout in his the time I'm done with my new house, he should be able to run already......
* The kids woke up happy as usual..........

* JS getting ready for the big day..........

* Suited up for the big day...........

* JD could now terrorized everyone with his firecrakers aka 'Pop Pop'......I could remember we took a family picture right on this spot 25 years ago when all was well......

* JieJie decided to drop by on the very first day and as usual, we drove to Penang to meet up with the other side of the family........Lion personal favourite every year......

* Papa had a handful covering JD from the loud drumming and firecrackers.......JD could be loud but timid most of the time.....

* At last, our family wasn't particularly great but dining together is......the sessions of 'talk cock, sing song, play pingpong' are priceless......with that I would like to conclude the CNY post.....hehehe postings have been really rare...record low compared to years before.....I'm trying my best.....busy with the kids as usual......have a great week peps......

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