Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why The Hair Cut? WHY???????

Much has been said about JD's hairstyle......due to his curlylocks we made it his trademark....moreover he has an apple-shaped head.....

I was in for a huge suprise when I picked him up last night from the babysitter's......They cut off his locks.......I went BLANKED for a moment and it follows with a huge 'WTF' moment......I remember telling them don't even think about touching that locks.....the only reasons they told me were because JD had been complaining too much about the heat and itchiness.....

Due to the seniority of the babysitters and their commitment towards my boys, I can't even scold or raise my voice for the catastrophe that they caused......I was so pissed last night I even have to yell at a pregnant lady that overtook my parking spot (under normal circumstances, I would have let her have it.....but I was pissed, remember?? as in very very freaking pissed)....I can't even remember feeling so aggitated and cannot do anything about it....

I just have to bring JD to the hair stylists....no choice, damage done.......just have to suck up to it.....What I was trying to say is, let me raise my kids, MY WAY.....coming from an open-minded family, my old folks will normally discuss with me on their ideas instead of taking matters to their own hands no matter how much they hated it..........but anyway, bygones be bygones......

* I told JD he looked really stupid with this cut.....even he was ashamed to look into the mirror.......
* Check out the damages.....
* Needed 2 experts to get the job done...........

* We only did stop once he's less ugly.........

* End product.......JD losses his GunNroses' Slash look and in return he gets the Justin Bieber style...fark I HATE JUSTIN BIEBER.....hahahaha end of story...don't bring do this again....EVER...hahaha


Michael Seou said...

Oh man, Justin Diber eh, Janggut?!?!?!?!?!?!?

BOGUS said...

not my call la Fatt.....mini fatt on the way liao or not???

Anonymous said...

short hair okay la... not bad wert...
~stephen chow~