* Sebelum makan.....KITA MINUM DULU!!!!.......
* Everything was perfect except for the Menu......put a bunch of Bananas in a chinese restaurant....give them a pure chinese menu......we'll be playing guess the next dish all night long.....
* This one international serving..........NOT FOR ME.....I don't drink that much anymore (a statement to ISOBEL).....
* Alot of catching up to do..............I'm an outcast in a far away land.....
* 'Lou Sang'........everyone wishes for a great year ahead......haih....this year, I don't think the 'Lou Sang' will do any good.....
* Makan-Makan...........
Everyone kept on telling me to give 2 angpaos this year since it is my first....after a long thought.......NO LOGIC in this old old custom.......THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 2 FINANCE MINISTERS........Take a nearer comparison.....Singapore is doing much better than us by having 1 Finance Minister.......Malaysia has 2.....LOOK AT US NOW.........sia lan sui right? so...I'll be sticking to the winning recipe.....by gones with the custom.....I AM THE LAW......