Sunday, February 13, 2011

My First Year in Samsung............

I would love to share some lights on my first year in Samsung.......with the ups and downs in 2010, I managed to make it through my virgin year without getting myself fired.....hehehe

It was a personally decision jumping ship even when I loved my previous job.....I need to spend more time with my family....a decision I did not regret....hehehe

* My more in PW's tummy....coming out real soon....JD took my bike away.....the 2nd baby took the last hope of having a bike again.......huhuhuhu

* Had my first Bird-Day celebration in the office........hehehe

* Been to Seoul...............

* Been to virgin trip to the kiasu-land that time seriously...and damn Fatty Lock for his photo taking skill......use DSLR also can become like that.....kinda reminds me of GohPek back in Jakarta....hahahaha

* Been to trip of the year....since I have a local guide living behind my hotel....hehehe......

* Another thing about the Samsung folks........they love taking pictures.......

* Being in a sales office, you could expect more ladies than guys...hehehehehe....

* And they love to EAT too....I lost track on the foodie pics after a couple of weeks........

* Out door activities are monthly events...............

* They even gave out shirts just to suit the occassion.........and the best of all........

* They're addicted to FOOTBALL.......hehehehe I realised I'm not that young and agile anymore.........

* Outdoor.........

* Or even indoor.......I've never played so much football in my life since hmmmmm 10-15 years ago??? hehehe.......

* End the year with yet another dinner........and that concludes my first year in Samsung........let's do a review next year......and hope my performance review is as good as my post...ngek ngek ngek.....enjoy the last bit of the CNY people...and have a great week ahead......

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