Monday, December 22, 2014

My Story Telling Champ.........

It has been almost exactly a year since my last post. Mind me please as I took sometime off from blogging to accommodate to the needs for my 2 year old job....soon to be ex-job.....(and yes, after 2 years with AirAsia, I'm moving on.....more time for the family soon, I hope~)

Well this post is not about my job, let's get back to the topic of the day.

A little progress on Jayden aka JD....he is 5 years old now....cheeky and very smart indeed. He has gotten himself into the Final round of the Story Telling Competition a couple of months ago at his kindie.....

PW and I took the day off to provide him with moral support. (We hid behind bushes to avoid his anxiety from seeing us in his school) And to our surprise the lil man nailed it!!!!

I'll leave the pictures to do the talking for this one....

* All ready to go as Contestant No. 1.........

* Our cry baby is crying no more..........

* A little crowd engagement..........................

* There you go......our hero...................

* With a tiny acting skill in the blood.........

* Dusted and done.............

* Best in the class...........

* And by the way JS started schooling too...........

* JS was pissed off because he is not allowed to touch the trophy

* Happy day for all....JD: I can do what I like with my prize......he DROPPED IT....


Sexy Ian said...

You should wear like Jayden during our AGSS annual party.hahahaha

BOGUS said...

IAN!!!!! Stop trashing my blog.......Sexy Ian....OMG hahahaha kns.....