Monday, July 16, 2007

How Ignorant..........

I was doing my regular weekly shoping at a nearby hypermarket and guess what I found. By neglecting simple things you're actually making a fool out of yourself......I strongly believe my blog readers have the ability or have the minimum IQ to differenciate a Papaya and a Guava......

* Do these look like seedless guavas to you??

* Close up...........If these were really seedless guavas, then I really need to see a physiatrist to clear my head........

* This is how a guava looks like.........were they just ignorant or plain dumb?

* They should make me their marketing least I can show them how real guavas look like.......worst case, I won't be selling chickens and advertised "Pork for Sale".....

* First World Facilities, Third World Mentality (Think about it)...............

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