Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big Boy's Toy.....

JieFu has shown me his latest gadgets last comes at a hefty price.....the gadgets alone could easily surpass the price of my camera.....being the only toy I have left, I tend to spend more time figuring out how certain functions work.....Believe me when I tell you I'm a manual retard....I can't even figure out how certain functions for my car work after almost 2 years....too many buttons....very confusing....manual too thick...lazy to read it.....

* The zoom lens is incredible......the ad-hoc

* Anyone up for a nude shot??? Call me ya....guys are not welcomed........

When I was in Ipoh's Old Town, I saw something which reminded me of my younger days......where I used to rush to the vendor as though the fella was a celebrity.......starved during recess hour to end up using all my pocket money of the day for junks....Those days, I don't have irritating clients to tend to (Just show them the middle finger and say 'I don't wanna friend you' then the problem is solved at that time) financial headaches (Just be good throughout the week, and tell Papa&Mama what I need...with alot alot of begging will do the trick).......basically life was pretty much great at the time........

* The classic joy-making machine........HONK HONK HONK.....some with TING TING TING....we used to call them the 'TingTingLou' aka TingTing Man........hahahaha...Have a great weekend ahead~~~


sitynuress said...

yess.. the good old uncle ting ting!! :D we use to kejar the uncle for a bun or a cikedee! Life's great!!

BOGUS said...

yea yea chickedee.....hahahaha cheap and salty enuff for out taste bud....hahaha