Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Classmate's Wedding............

I was invited for my classmate's wedding dinner last month at Evergreen.....let me see, that was JD's wedding dinner number 4.....as usual, the low post rate is always due to heavy commitment at work and home...this time, it's all home.......hehehe work has been pretty much ermmm....STATIC......don't get me wrong, routine is sometimes GOOD in a way.....hehehe

* Nice deco, Nice menu........there were 3 pregnant ladies at the same table....hehehe breeding season yoooo......

* Took JD to the lobby since we were abit early.....or weddings are always late.......

* JD had a go at his first xmas tree.....we did not setup our tree this year because JD would probably chew most of the decos.......better safe than sorry.....I would not want to have the blinking LED lights coming out from the lil fella's tummy.....hehehehe

* Pretty nice stage........the live band was great.....classico......

* The mini man was kinda restless after 30 minutes.......

* I'll now think twice before bringing him to another function.....seriously.....he cries for attention every 5 minutes....just imagine a 4 hour function....let me talk about my company dinner next time......ishhhh

* That's the bride.......have a blissful marriage....... ^_^

* In years to come, these bunch of people might be someone's boss.....after more than 2 years of Sunday classes...we are done with books.....meeting them again next year during our Convocation......but before that, I'll have to submit my thesis....let me start work this month....have a great work week ahead people........

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