Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Labour..........

Labour process....everyone has a very different labour experience.....I am going to share my long all started at 2:3o am on August 29th 2009 (I was sleeping then).....

PW: water broke.
Bogus9394 (still steam steam): What water???
PW: My water bag la!!!!
Bogus9394 (trying to relate water to something important...still steam steam).
Bogus9394: Ohhh water...HOSPITAL HOSPITAL!!!!!!

Off we went......first advice....never trust their prediction on the estimated time of delivery......
1. Should deliver around noon.
2. I think 2-4pm will come out.
3. Confirmed before 6pm.
4. Anytime now (it was 7pm)

Actual time was 8:35pm!!!!!! walauehhhh......

* First few hours........

* Few hours before deliver.....contraction every 5 minutes...PW said it was like period pain X 10 every 5 minutes.....I told her I have no idea how period pain is she told me to imagine the pain for not shitting for 30 days.......wahhhhh then I got the idea.....

* My best friend of the day...the only chair in the deliver room....I should've took a sleeping bag along......ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

* I SAW IT.......the umbilical cord was wrapped around the lil the doc had to suck it out while a nurse pressing really hard from the top (tummy)........totally not like those seen on TV.....

* Some privacy for the kid please.... ^_^

* TA DAAA!!!!!........

* I'll be teaching him on this trademark pose real soon........Thanks for all the well wishes people.....MUAKS....

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