Monday, March 15, 2010

KF's Wedding @ Ipoh......

I went back to attend KF's wedding last weekend....since it has been a long weekend and I really do need some rest...I'll cut short the can view more pictures from my Facebook's album......I here by include summary from the Bachelor's Night, Wedding Morning & Wedding Dinner....3 in 1.....

* The usual tradition.....gathering at the groom's place.......

* Some monkeys suggested SHOT GUN right after has been yearsssss since I last had my shots......luckily Blackie and EngSeen gave me early education to face the reality world....

* I had my share..........too old for this now...hahahaha

* Those bastards made me squat because I'm married.....those on chairs are future husbands........and those standing hmmm you'll get the point...

* The next comes the PIG.....sorry...I meant here comes the groommmmm....

* The games before those chicks open the door.......

* The classico WAX........

* Crazy snackss......

* And....I did my part on the drinks.....damn you gals for coming out with all these craps....Karma you time you ladies tak jadi kahwin....don't blame anyone...hahahahaha

* Everyone was running towards the bushes.....I had no idea what was going on at the first place......

* HaiBoon couldn't take the torture no more...hahahahaha.....what an embarrassment to the guys...luckily we managed to do this in private.....I made it public in facebook...hahahaha

* The happy groom and his mates.......

* The dinner........these 2 monkeys are tying to cheer themselves up....THEY'RE NEXT...behind those smiles lie a pair of sorrowful eyes......they were actually hugging each other and crying in the toilet right after...No kidding.....

* A picture with the Bride and Groom.........Have a nice journey ahead guys......

* Group picture before the next wedding takes place.......happy working people......

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