Sunday, October 17, 2010

Junior No.2 Coming Soon......

Well how could I put it....the productive me has once again produced another baby on the way.....hehehe and a bonus to that, the Doc said it's a boy....AGAIN.....actually, I was hoping for a girl....but since I'm getting another boy....hey Why Not?? hehehe at least I could yell BOYSSSSSS in the future...hehehe...

* My 2nd monkey on the way.........

* I thought the Doc was just trying to show off his new ultrasound machine....but he showed me the birdie last Saturday...pretty early to see them since we saw that on JD during the 5th month.....

* Grow well lil fella....see ya coming April....hehehehe....

* Now I'll be having 2 lil fella menacing my guitar and notebook.......YAHOOOOO......have a great week ahead people....


Michelle said...

congrats! continue with the good work..keep it going..haha!

sitynuress said...

congratss!!! u n kak ida can join produce boyssss ahhahahah :P

BOGUS said...

hahaha thanks all.....yea...Boys manufacturer...let's hope the doc is wrong this time...hehehe