This post is specially dedicated to all my ex-colleagues in CSA....MIS Department in particular...I was there for my internship over a stint of 5 months. I am thankful for all the guidance given to me by the ever so friendly and charming MIS personals. I was treated to so many meals and karaoke sessions by all the ever so loaded MIS personals....(wonder how much would their payslips be?.....How come so much to spend?.......hehehe) Let me do the honour by introducing them.......
Chris Lim - The Boss ( Extreme "petai" lover)
Emmy - The encyclopedia
Alvin - The cool but funny dude
Wilson - The friendly "Taiko"
Elaine - The humble lady
Joyce - The fashionable mum
Mei Cheng - The decent girl
Crystal - The petite office lady
Ellen - The timid one
Mei Foong - The love sick secretary
ops......and of course not forgetting
Goh - The should I put it.....ah haaaa....I got it...I shall name him
Goh - The WEIRD one.
Once again......a picture speaks a thousand words..........
* The gang. Standing from the left: Elaine, Ellen, Joyce, Emmy, Crystal, MeiCheng, MeiFoong,Sitting from the left : Alvin, Chris, Wilson, Me, Goh
* Alvin (left) : Hehehe my wallet is save from the bill.Chris (right) : Not mine....but luckily I ate my beloved petai...HAHAHAMe (hidden) : *silently thinking to myself*...I have never ate so much "petai" before in my life.
* The "petai". Let me give you some introduction. It was first ate by the local aborigines. Aromatic yet slight bitter in taste. Usually served in dry spicy sauce. Good for cholestrol control. Prevent high blood pressure.BEWARE.....End Result : Funny smell while urinating (NOT JOKING)On a beautiful evening........
Me : Hey Mr. G*h, do you wanna be seen in my blog?
G*h : Yea sure sure.....
Me : Ok then. Give me a pose.
G*h : What kind of post do you prefer?
Me : Hmmm..... give me the "Overtime" pose.
G*h : ahhhhhh
* The true identity of Mr. G*h was protected to prevent unwanted attentions from teenage girls.....HAHAHA....actually to prevent Mr. G*h from teenage girls.Lastly, before I wrap up things, I apologized if i ever offended anyone of you during my stay in MIS. I would like to wish all of you the best of luck and I hope you people enjoy this post. Till we meet again......