Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend in Melacca........

Had a very tiring weekend. All the way down to Melacca for my company's monthly meeting. Right after work on Friday a bunch of us drove all the way to A'Farmosa resort to avoid the hectic schedule the following day. I must first thank JieJie and Jiefu for the clean place to crash.

Some of us got too excited as it was their first ever sleep over outstation trip. As usual, 'most' of them started to cam-whore at every single opportunity.

* I never thought the balcony could be such a tempting place to get your picture taken...

* Since I was passing by, I posed accordingly......I called this the 'ARMPIT POSE'....impressive? You don't get that everyday.....

* Makan-time is always the was slightly below par but the company was delightful........
The unofficial agenda starts right after the dinner. Everyone headed to the Jonker Street aka pasar malam. I do fancy the warmth environment, friendly shopkeepers smiling, old folks dancing, the same ol' coconut guy poking the coconut at 9.30pm.....a great place for a stroll after meal....

* Since I was on a very tight budget for this trip, I occupied my time checking out what others have bought............hhhmmmm....nice~~~~

* Next stop, Satay Celup......non-recommended!!! First of all, I have to queue up and waited for about 20minutes before given a seat.....I DON'T LIKE WAITING FOR MY FOOD.....personally, I would prefer instant noodle to whatever they were serving that night....once again let me stress my point....I DON'T LIKE WAITING FOR MY FOOD!!!!

* Last stop for the night, Sunshine should be a momentous event......Payperview show, as everyone was waiting for it...don't believe me? check out the 2 uncles on the right...even they were ready to rock that night. BUT....due to the only bad seating available, we left early. Haih...potong steam...the very first time I went to a club without consuming a drop of beer.....can you believe it? I really did make it!!!!!! I QUIT DRINKING....hahahahaha

* Since I was nothing near any hangover the next day, I took sometime off to cam-whore myself...thanks to Gwen for the picture.....A trip like this might be tiring but well worth for the time spent together with my comrades....mind the guy beside me...he was trying to fit in as the background aka flower pot.....
Everyone seems to be excited about the prospect of having the next meeting elsewhere.......NON of those were as excited as this particular guy in the company......He might be the oldest among us but his level of excitement has reached a point of no return......he turned to a child.....

* Carl can't hide his enthusiasm anymore......mind me, I was at least 30 feet away from this horrendous act of insanity. Walking away and trying hard not to be related to him in whatsoever way just in case the others might think that we are of the same group.....take no risk.....


kateong said...

i have practice this kung fu since joint for body fitness. this is to protect u during Malacca trip.Kung fu is better then u buy wood base gun!

BOGUS said...

hahahaha u too old for kungfu liao la....forgot bout ur broken arm ar ???? hahahahaha