Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Humorous or Lack of Intelligence???

I received these interesting pictures several months kept me thinking......all these could not have been a work of a Malaysian as all the messages were written in no harm sharing.........

* Ridiculous.....sexist sexist.................

* Extreme insects lover................

* Sarcastic Warning...............

* A thoughtful Zoo Keeper.........

* A Janitor with an extreme sense of humor..........
Obviously being a developed state, we developed an urge to copy those westerners........ Check out our very own version of silly messages............

* Masyarakat Penyayang...........
And lately, I found one while I was at my client's factory......I guess their boss has a brain as big as a pea.......or just.....he had a brain.......

* MUST COLLECT THE ATTENDANCE SHEET ONLY DURING EMERGENCY........pure stupidity.......When the factory is on fire, everyone will be running like mad and screaming for help.....if you get to see a person yelling something like: "GET THE ATTENDANCE!!!" <- That's the Boss......


Christina Kim said...

Hahaha!!! I got these too!!
But the last one about Attendance was hilarious!! I doubt even the boss will remember that, think he will be the first one to be MIA!!!:D

BOGUS said...

That one is Buatan Malaysia la christy...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

i know that place ...

KN bogus ...


BOGUS said...

hahahaha of course...that's just beside ur desk dude....hahahahaha.....