Tuesday, November 03, 2009

JD vs Needle...JD 1, Needle 0....

Judgement day for JD.....his first injection after the one that he had at birth.....PW and I were on leave to witness his first injection......I saw babies crying madly after the shot......poor lil thing.....uhmp........

* PW attending to JD in the clinic.........I was busy looking around....on dad's duty....

* Walauehh.........luckily not injecting those on me...hehehehe

* JD squeaked at the very first poke.....2 seconds after that, he went back to sleep......I was so so proud of my son........I called Papa, Mama & JieJie to brag about JD's bravery...BUT...
A day later.....

* JD was down with fever.......huhuhu......that was why I was so reluctant to travel earlier.......

* Luckily it lasted only for a day.....my strong little champ.........Have a great week people.....

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