Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How Did I Fare in Sports???

Not everyone is born with the sporty talent.....some couldn't even kick a ball right after several years of trying.....I considered myself 'sort of' talented or slightly above the average par when it comes to sports. I've tried table tennis, badminton, football, hockey, billiard, etc. and to be frank.....I was actually not bad at all.....(perasan liao~~~~)

Of all sports that I've tried, I really do fancy football......I gave up table tennis and badminton once I saw the Olympic outfit for these sports......Turn-off......I rather go for the more macho-looking outfit.......

* Now this was what I'm trying to say.....this was way better than tight pants.....

* Weirdest achievement of all would be the one for Javelin and another for Sepak Takraw......of course being short doesn't mean that I can't run.....hahaha....I got quite a number for running.....

* If drinking is consider a sport a couple of years back, I think I did pretty well.....(Quit Drinking Now......)

* If Sleeping is an Olympic event, I will bag the Gold without a doubt........I can doze off anytime at anywhere....try me....


lilo said...

and i could win the medal for being the longest sleeper haha :) try beating 18hrs haha..

BOGUS said...

u r so screwed with ur time zone gal...hahahahaha

Michael Seou said...

You are in the office now right, project manager? DOze of now..HAHAHAHA =P

BOGUS said...

now kenot la...siao meh...later i come back ipoh this weekend we try la....hahahaha