Thursday, May 29, 2008

Great Names.....

I received an email not too long ago....It would be best to share so that you guys could have a good laugh to brighten up your gloomy day in the office....


Paul Chan - Bankrupt

Anne Chang - Dirty

Faye Chen - Dusty

Anne Chin - Keep quiet

Henry Mah - Hate your mum

Jane Tan - Frying eggs

Nelson Tan - Bird laying eggs

Leslie Tong - Rubbish bin


Carl Chng - Buttock

Monica Chng - Touching your buttocks

Lucy Leow - You are dead

Suzie Leow - Lost till death

Lim Yew Lin - Drink urine

Lim Teh Peng - Drink iced tea

Danny See - Squeeze you to death

Corrine Tai - Poor fellow

Rosie Teng - Screws and nails

Carmen Tng - Leg hair long

Pete Tsai - Nose droppings


Connie Mah - Call your mother

Macy Koh - Never die before

Michael Tan - Sell eggs

Michael Loong - Sell chicken cage

Personal best - English

Anita Kwok - I Need a cock.

Personal Note: To all the Kwoks out there.....NEVER EVER name your daughter Anita.....


kateong said...

hello bro... why got Carl Chng!

sitynuress said...

ahahah so funny!!!

BOGUS said...

hahahaha aiya uncle carl..u r carl lim not carl chng ma...hahahaha

lilo said...

hahaha, anita, hahaha... my god... this is too much to take...

BOGUS said...

hahaha control la lilo control...hahahaha